-- Torrid Inc.'s Team
Isabel Vinola
Adopted by Torrid Inc., she was raised inside HR facilities to be a corporate engineer. And so she is.
Michæl Nygaard
Untutored orphan, after enjoying the opportunity to see the best and the worse in the world, Michæl settled down. Nowadays, he picks the buttons.
Delphina Dainesi (Ina)
This improved clone of 'Dangerous Heart' (Dani) had changed her name and relinquished her old occupation after a tragic event. She implanted know-how and started over as a Sidero VVA pilot.
-- Other People:
M&M Geller
Daughter of Sidero VVA's owners, has an acute schizophrenic condition. Her legal guardian tutor was a software complex that, later on, was declared illegal. She was presumed dead. But turns out alive and, with a new guardian, files a claim to get back her major share in her parent's company.
Spy working for Torrid Inc. Has no licence to kill; but he has one to beam himself around.
Jack Jesus
Jack Jesus is the self-intitled Liquidator (Society's). You know: it is not working right anymore (also according to him). Irresponsible terrorist? Brilliantly nihilistic character? Or something else entirely? Please read the story to make up your mind about him.
Alfredo Kaapor
Shaman-descending pro deprogrammer. He's the best in what he does. He lives in his Indian reserve surrounded by money-acquired comfort.
Libertine pamper princess who's rented a sex worker experience. Dani (today's Delphina Dainesi) was her chaperone. It ended badly.
-- Corporate entities:
Torrid Inc.
Virtual systems, computers, information. Apple + Google, for short.
It hates its own name, but too late for change, then it pretends to be proud about it. It was born to be great, it was no coincidence, but they had hired too-edgy marketing professionals in the early beginning.
Sidero VVA
Transportation (including teletransportation, which is restricted to very specific uses) and, partially, genetic engineering. Today it's managed by a council after, ten years ago, its heiress, M&M Geller, was alienated of her material possessions for being alienated - and shortly after, she passed away under poorly explained circumstances (presumed suicide).
Wind Co.
The smallest of the Three Big Ones. It's chiefly involved with genetic research, and it's said to take many shady commissions. Its slogan: go figure the future.
For the divisa they move around, those entities are collectively known as Three Big Ones. They have many covenants and cooperation pacts signed between themselves.
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