Thursday, September 01, 2005

29. sermon on the mount

Now. Force your convictions to change now. Push out your ego like a zit.
You didn’t do it, right? Very good, that’s precisely it. But be watchful so you can do that someday, on the fly, just as you're called. Go and serve away like the most dedicated servant, do not refuse joining in. When they need you the most, refuse yourself. Don’t act like the true friend that you are not. In the final hour, be ungrateful. Be lazy. Be avaricious. Turn your back. Give them the short end of the stick. Refuse money. Carry a cianurete capsule between your teeth. Doom yourself. Destroy yourself. Don’t take a deep interest for your "own" interests, they do not belong to you anymore, they ain't useful anymore, surviving in itself is not useful. Hell, not even you belong to you anymore. Take a deep interest for the next step. Take an interest for the ends. Life is not now – so buy on credit.

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